Lunch partner: Accepting payments
Written by Smartum Järjestelmät
Updated over a week ago

We have listed a few tips and instructions on how to accept different payment instruments and settle payments.

• Put the enclosed Smartum stickers on your door and your cash desk.

• Place the cash mat and Smartum instructions on your cash desk.

• You can check your contact information in the Smartum venue search. If necessary, you can edit your information in our online service. We have sent the login details to you via email.

• Add the Smartum logo to your website. You can find the logo from here.

Smartum Lunch is a personal benefit offered to your customer, which means that they can only pay for their own meal. Please check the user’s identity if necessary.

Smartum can be used to pay for meals at lunchtime in accordance with the current meal benefit mandate of the Finnish Tax Administration. According to the current instructions of the Finnish Tax Administration, a lunch benefit may be used exclusively for meals, and is not to be exchanged for money, groceries, alcohol or other commodities.

The customer cannot get cashback or receive change from payments made with Smartum payment instruments. No additional fees may be charged for making the payment, and any excess amounts can be paid in cash or with another payment method.

Accepting SmartumPay mobile payments

SmartumPay is a mobile payment application, which allows customers to pay for services effortlessly. The customer can use ”Quick payment”, and choose the place of business where they want to make the payment. The customer will first enter the cost of their massage and then verify the payment. They will show the receipt from their smartphone screen to the cashier, who will check the confirmation of the payment transaction.

We recommend that you check the charged amount, the name of the office and the address from the receipt. You can see when your customer’s payment has been made from the top corner of the receipt. The animation in the receipt will move for 30 minutes after the payment is completed, however, the receipt will be valid also after the movement stops.

By clicking the receipt you will get to the review section, where the payment can be marked as checked. The status of the receipt and review section will change to ”Checked”. This ensures that only one service is redeemed with the receipt. The payment is registered into your cash register with the amount that is stated on the receipt.

If your customer’s payment made with the application is flawed, it can be canceled via Smartum online service.

Accepting Smartum vouchers

There are Smartum Lunch vouchers with different values in circulation. The value is written on the voucher. No extra fees may be charged for payment with Smartum Lunch vouchers. Lunch vouchers may not be exchanged for money and no change may be provided for them.

Check that the voucher is intact and authentic, and that it has not been marked as used. You can identify an authentic voucher that is printed on watermarked paper by checking the consecutive serial number or by looking at the voucher against a light source, for example. Smartum will only pay for authentic vouchers.

Also check that the voucher is valid; customers cannot make payments using expired vouchers.

Used vouchers are marked by drawing a line across the value of the voucher printed on the voucher. Please leave the white area at the bottom unmarked.


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